
17 things I learned about Asian Americans and Racism 1882-2007

- Koreans (claim to) have invented the nectarine (peach x plum)
- Most Asian Americans shared a sense of guilt and shame about the Virginia tech massacre and most of the fear racial backlashes
- I Learned that racism can be divided in to different kinds of Racism:
- (Everyday) Racism is a belief that the members of your "race" are superior to another "race"
- Institutionalized Racism is it when everyday racism is carried out by governments or companies
- There were over 25 laws in the US which were discriminating other people (-> inst. racism)
- There were serveral contradictions in the politics of the USA during the 2nd World War ( democracy =/= colonialism/racism)
- I got to know that there was a thing like JA internment
- This Internment wasn`t justified, but it was contitutional back in time.
- There was a loyality questionnaire, which tested the loyality of the People in the camps.
- The term redress refers to the reimbursement of JA
- I got to know much more about the background of the LA race riots (R.King etc
- I learned about the layoffs of FA after 9/11
- I now know what "shikatta go nai , gambatte, kodomo no tameni" means ( it can't be helped, hold on, for the sake of our children )
- I talked about recent racism, for instance the homophobic statement of Tim Hardaway
- That the immigration history of the AA are deeply rooted in the evolution of the US and A
=> I 've got a great overview about funny, important and interesting things to know about AA

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