
The 1.5 generation of Korean Americans - a radio documentary


Good evening. For this episode of 'Asian American Studies' we are connected to Meowe Chong, who is an expert of the topic because he himself is an 1.5er.
Hello, Mister Chong.

Meowe Chong

Hey, good evening.


The first thing what we should know is, what the 1.5 generation is anyways.


The members of the so called 1.5 generations are torn between two cultures. On the one hand they speak with a strained English pronuciation, but commonly they aren't really accepted in the States -in some cases even the second generation treats them condescendenly and with disdain- because of their looks; and on the other hand if they return to the country, in which they were born, they feel like they have no place; no place in a society, based on a very strong family; in a society which defines itself through the ethnic identity.


Is that what you feel, too?


Well, actually, in the past I had to say "Yes"; but by now I have really great friends.


Ah OK, so a strong social life, could have prevented the Virginia Tech massacre?


Yes, I would sign this statement. But the thing is that the 1.5ers don't find friends that easy.


OK, thank you for your time. You can say a few more things, if you want. I'm out.


Thank you, *. I would like to point out, that the generalization of -KA- 1.5ers could possibly lead to a racial backlash.
We are NOT bad people. We do all share a sense of guilt and shame about the shooting, but we must clearly state, that Seung Cho's action weren't caused by our culture or heritage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.