
Homework May, 9th : Letter

April 17th, 1942

Dear Danielle,

I was overwhelmed with joy to hear from you. I was very interested to read about your doll collection, I know that I should worry about other things but since my father was brought here my little world is as fine as it could be in an internment camp like this. At least my family is united again. My father made some chairs, a table and a closet, since we didn’t have those things, it was really great. But there are some terrifying things going on here, too: In my last letter I said the fence was torn down -- well, it is up again. This time a few feet further out. We have been told that the reason for the fence building was so the cattle won't come near our homes. In other words, cattle is going to be grazed outside the fence. But as yet, we have not seen any. Yes, I think the fence tends to weaken the morale of the people.

Also, I received a letter from a friend who is now in Lamas, Colorado. During the days they were on the train, they had -- fried eggs for breakfast -- fried chicken, fried turkey, cookies, cakes, and canned fruits. When I read this, my mouth watered and I certainly envied them. If I can only eat fried eggs and fried chicken just once more -- maybe, as the saying goes, if I am a nice girl my wish will soon be granted.

I still don’t know why we are here, every time I ask my mom or my dad they don’t want to tell my I think.

Well… I will soon write another letter to you. My parents say that we will be brought to another camp next week.

take care & have a happy Easter,


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