

I was reading the blog entry of another student, and I kind of reconsidered my situation.
It’s just such a wired feeling.
In my Religion classes, I learn that I need a Bible to see a goal in my life.
In my English lessons, I learn that I’m full of stereotypes.
I learn, that I’m thinking, that my Asian schoolmates are workaholic lunatics.

So in all consequence, am I being stereotyped myself without noticing it?
In school I’m not autonomous, not self confident and not self-defining at all.
I’m thought what to think.
(Is my cosmopolitanism destroyed by the ungovernable drumming of stereotypes into me?)

Can a stereotype exist without another?
The answer has to be: ‘No.’.
A stereotype is a prevailing prejudice. Prevailing equals an overwhelming majority. But if there is a majority there is a minority, too.
And that’s my point: a stereotype is defining itself, through the majority of people AND another stereotype.
My English Teacher says, that

[…] that stereotypes don't necessarily have to be bad.
And 75% of the class is copying, without thinking about it.
In 15 years they’ll eventually meet a Japanese person and what will come to their mind?

My standpoint has to be:

Stereotypes are the dogmatic scourge of each and every one of us.

Let’s just evolve, without selfmade borders in our head!!!

Hmm again a post without a homework;
next time... I promise!


Stephanie Woessner said...

Great first entry.
Of course we are all full of stereotypes because otherwise life would be way too complicated. And this is why I, personally, believe that stereotypes as such are not bad AS LONG AS you are aware of the fact that they are stereotypes and AS LONG AS they don't hurt anyone...
I do like that you are critical and question what you are told, Benjamin:-)
Keep on going like that:-)

Sarah said...
